1. Awesome and true. My favorite challenge is seeing how many times I can
    throw down a 20lb medicine ball in set increments of time. Trying to beat
    my previous record is always engaging enough.

  2. Have you tried Fat Blast Lifestyle? (look for it on google) It is a quick
    and easy way for you to melt fat fast.

  3. Hello sexychefbuff Can I ask a favor? I really enjoyed your video BEST
    Cardio For Women? Cardio to Lose Weight….. It was really informative. I
    wanted to find out if it was okay to repost your videos to my channel? All
    credit for the videos will still remain yours, and I will not edit the
    original video, unless you give me permission to do so. I can even keep the
    links in the video, as this will give you additional exposure. If this is
    acceptable to you, please let me know. Thanks, Katherine

  4. It would be a shame if you did not build muscle when these normal people
    accomplish it so easily with Slim Body Maximizer (Look it up on google).

  5. This might be a stupid question but im going to ask anyway. Should I do
    cardio on seprate days or 10-15 minutes of cardio on days of weight

  6. Do you make these mistakes in your diet? Copy And paste into Google Fat
    Blast Furnace to find out.

  7. Do you make these stupid mistakes in your diet? Just Go And Google Fat
    Blast Furnace to find out.

  8. Check out the fat shedding system that lies hidden in your body. Just go
    And Google Fat Blast Furnace to bring it out.

  9. What if you are 20 kg owerweight? Interval running good for your knees and
    other joints? 

  10. :))))) @ that tiger wants ur ass grl” ill pretty much remember this for
    every HIIT session from here on out

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