1. If you feel like giving up on your weight loss journey, then you MUST watch
    this new video of me sharing the 4 P’s to staying motivated to lose weight.

  2. I must be the Thomas Edison of weight loss because I’ve definitely tried
    10,000 times. I’m starting 10,001 today. I will not give up.

  3. Definitely patience and persistence… I started getting serious last
    month… When im unmotivated i tell myself the reasons why…. And it makes
    me get up and workout. I have a 8 yo girl who misses out on life because
    her mom is huge and is uncomfortable in her own skin. This is i am
    determined to get fit and as long as i wake up i will do the work to reach
    my goals. My purposes are the beach, walks in the park, pretty clothes,
    being able to go on her school field trips without worrying in a kid will
    tease her the next day because of her fat mom… She didn’t ask to be here
    and its not fair fir me to be selfish. And plus i want to live life. Its
    short and its amazing

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