1. Thanks for all the info! Just started IF and coming away from high produce.
    Stopped all the fruit fests when I started menopause. Gotta take off that
    last 10-15 pounds. Hoping this works. 

  2. Thank you! I can’t wait to continue with this program! Acting on a plateau
    for about 4 months And after 2 weeks of following this program I’ve lost 5

  3. Great job!!! I’m starting this soon. 🙂 btw less brain fog in the morning
    can be attributed to higher levels of ketones in your blood stream. Love
    your ideas!!!! 

  4. Thanks for the info. I have always been a morning breakfast guy…Going to
    be rough at first. Wish me luck

  5. intermittent fasting just makes so much sense to me… I always fail on
    diets only because of how much planning goes into it. It is overwhelming!
    However with IF I don’t feel the pressure and I am more keen on going for
    the healthier stuff after I have fasted all day, not sure if it it
    psychological, but it works for me :)

  6. To regular people who want to lose fat eventually, Just google Fat Blast
    Furnace so you can get started

  7. Do you make these awful mistakes in your diet? Copy And Paste Into Google
    Fat Blast Furnace to find out.

  8. Millions of people have the precious capacity to drop pounds — but do not
    take advantage of it. Copy and Paste into Google Fat Blast Furnace to
    unlock your full weight loss potential.

  9. Thank you so much for your honest assessment. I am so sick of the Low carb
    lot telling us that you can eat as much as you like ( as long as it is low
    carb), won’t be hungry and will lose weight- all not true!
    I have been looking to limit the specialty foods as they are really
    expensive and intermittent fasting fits with my financial goals. All of a
    sudden I don’t need to buy all these lattes and lunches.

  10. I started IF on the 1st of this month, I have already lost three pounds but
    I was wondering if the times of the day I am eating will slow me down?
    Because of my schedule and the times I prefer to eat I fast from 1130 pm
    until 530 pm the next day, giving me 6 hours of eating. I don’t usually go
    to bed until one or two am. Will my times hurt my weight loss or does that

  11. Really interesting, well presented video. I started with a 2 meal a day
    thing about 3 mths ago – not counting calories, but getting used to the
    feeling of ‘hunger’.

    I started the Warrior diet 2 weeks ago + tracking cals and macros and I
    agree 100% – the tranquility with the awareness that a big meal is on the
    way makes this a breeze.

    Thanks for posting! 

  12. I appreciate you helping people like me 🙂 When I was younger I really
    turned heads at the beach, now they still turn but THE OTHER WAY! ha Since
    I am very handsome but fat right now, I think maybe I should send you a
    before and after pic and give you credit for inspiration huh? Thanks to you
    I am going to give it a try!

  13. Thanks you for this, it makes so much sense. I used to hate breakfast, it
    used to make me feel sick thinking of food in the morning. Because I was
    not exactly fat but carrying a little extra weight in my teens I started
    skipping lunches and waiting till my evening meals when I got home from
    college. I lost that bit of weight very quickly and didn’t have a weight
    problem with this approach. As I got into my mid twenties I started eating
    lunch and then forced myself to get used to eating breakfast. This was
    because I was constantly told the way I ate was unhealthy by lots of
    friends, family and especially the media. I was basically pressured into it
    by being told I was doing damage to myself. Funnily enough I’m now fat (at
    only 32 years old) and struggling to lose the weight. I think I will be
    going back to this way of life with immediate effect – permanently. Thank
    you so much again for this video.

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